Wednesday, September 06, 2006

How To Use "Viral Marketing" To Generate More Traffic

Copyright (c) 2006 Quick Turn Marketing International,

Have you ever visited a site, like what you see… and
then told your friends about it?


Have your friends ever told you about an interesting
or useful site they've visited in the last 30 days?

I'll bet this happens almost every day, or at least
weekly. Believe it or not there is actually a method
to this madness. These seemingly random acts of
"kindness" or referral may actually dramatically
impact your business.

OK Dan, so what are you talking about, right?

I am talking about Viral Marketing. Viral marketing is
key to your business. It is a simple and effective
tool you can use to drive traffic to your site,
without spending thousands of dollars implementing
more expensive marketing tools.

How can you take advantage of viral marketing?

The easiest to make your visitors tell their friends
and relatives about your site is by implementing a
"tell-a-friend" script.

If done correctly, a "tell-a-friend" script is one of
the most powerful traffic-generation strategies you'll
ever use. And it's FREE!

Here's how it works…

You ask your visitors to enter the name and e-mail
address of friends and relatives they think will be
interested in your site. Then, the script
automatically sends a personalized e-mail promotion
your site to all their friends from the visitor.

Now how are you going to get your visitors to enter
the names of their friends and relatives that may have
an interest in your site? Simple… Give them an
incentive. Make them an offer. Tell them WHY they
should refer their friends.

You can't just expect your visitors to enter
information. Remember they are giving up some of their
free time to refer other people to you. You have to
make it worth their while. You have to sell it.

If you want to watch the way I do it, go to:

Don't forget, you also have to provide your customers
with practical and useful content. You want
information on your site your visitors truly believe
will benefit their friends.

After all, they don't want to look like an idiot, and
neither do you! If you don't provide good content, in
fact if you provide anything but the best, I don't
care what "bribes" you offer… your visitors won't
refer anybody to you.

By doing this you can simply and easily virally grow
your list automatically!

Where do you find "tell a friend" scripts? You could
get some free tell a friend scripts if you do a Google

This is the script I use is:

And if you technical dummy like me, you can ask Paul
to install the script for you.

A simple twist to this strategy is you can have a
tell-a-friend contest as well. A protégé of mine did a
tell-a-friend contest that was extremely successful.
He increased his traffic by 5-fold in that week. How?

What he did was very simple, stating whoever referred
the most visitors to his site in that week would get a
free IPOD. Slack, eh?

Let me you another killer viral marketing strategy
that very few people use.

Giving away a free e-book is a pretty common strategy.
But what I want you to do is to create an e-book for
your AFFILIATES to give away to their lists.

Let's say you have a 20-page e-book. Instead of asking
your subscribers to pass it along (which is not very
effective) you encourage your visitors to join your
affiliate program. Then you let them customize and
brand the e-book with their own affiliate links for
your products!

Now, they're motivated to tell everyone about you. Now
they're motivated to pass it along the e-book to every
single soul they know. Why? They are getting something
out of it!

That's not all. The people who read the e-book might
also become your affiliates, they will go to your
sites, create more customized e-books and they too
will pass those e-books to more people.

Do you understand the power of this? That's viral
marketing on steroid!

If you're still a little confused, check out.

And see the various brandable e-books I offer my

And the people who read your e-books are much better
prospects because they're pre-sold on your materials.
So they're much more likely to buy from you when they
hit your sales page.

So what are you waiting for? Start cranking your
"viral marketing" machine today. You'll see that your
traffic and sales will grow steadily with absolutely
no work on your part.

Like the infomercial guru Ron Popiel said, "Just set
it and forget it!"


Dan Lok

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

A former college dropout, Dan Lok transformed himself
from a grocery bagger in a local supermarket to a
multi-millionaire. Today, Dan is one of the most
sought-after business mentors on the Web, as well as
a best-selling author. His reputation includes his title
as the World's #1 Website Conversion Expert.
To find out what Dan is up to now, visit him at:

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

How To Get Your Customer To Fall In Love With Your Products And Services

Copyright (c) 2006 Quick Turn Marketing International,

My hair grows so damn fast. I have to get a hair cut
every 3 weeks. Every time I need a haircut I go to
Peter in downtown, Vancouver.

You know… Peter actually worked in New York 10 years
ago. I guess you could say he earned his chops in New
York. And he's cut hair for many celebrities,
including Jim Carrey, etc.

Then he moved to Vancouver and opened his own salon.

Well, if Pete is good enough for Jim Carrey then he's
good enough for Dan Lok.

I've been going there for 8 years now.

Talk about customer loyalty!

Yeah… so I'm sure you are asking why am I so damn
loyal? Right?

What makes Pete different than the other hairdressers?
Why do I go back to him again and again?

Well I'll tell you. Pete works at it. He builds loyal
customers in each interaction and builds them into
every haircut he produces. He didn't attract the stars
simply because he cuts hair well (though he does). He
also offers exceptional customer service.

And I have to tell you, even if Pete's haircutting
ability wasn't 110%, I'd probably still go back. Why?
Customer service. Commitment. Quality.

So ask yourself, how do YOU build loyal customers?

The best way to build loyal customers is by using the
loyalty ladder concept. I want you to picture an
ordinary ladder.

Now consider each rung of the ladder. Each "rung" is a
"stage" of loyalty a customer may have. There are many
different stages of loyalty customers demonstrate at
each rung of the ladder:

*Raving Fan

* Devotee

* Member

* Customer

* Shopper

* Prospect

* Suspect

Let's describe each of these in more detail.

The suspect is the lowest rung on your ladder, when a
customer starts out on your loyalty ladder. This is
when customer's are at the very bottom of your ladder.
These are people who may or may not want or need what
it is you sell. They may not have any money. They are
simply people who are not buying.

Prospects are suspects who have taken some sort of
action like subscribing to your newsletter, giving you
their email addresses or those who have asked you for
some sort of free information. They are people who may
turn into active customers, but aren't there yet.

A customer is anyone who has actually spent money with
you. You have to differentiate between your prospects
and your customers. This is one of the reasons it is
so damn important you segment your lists. You don't
want to have everyone on ONE BIG list.

At the very least, you should have a prospect list and
customer list. You should treat your prospects and
customers very differently. You should always give
your customers more attention. Give them a better deal
than everyone else. Why? They are already paying you
for your products and services. Prospects are
important, but customers are even more important.

A member is someone who buys from you more than once.
These are customers that now trust you. They feel they
belong with you in some way. Now listen up. Customers
who make two purchases are 10 times more likely to
make more than someone who makes only one purchase
with you. So anyone who is a member deserves special
attention, because if they buy twice, they are likely
to buy again.

What's the difference between a devotee and a member?
A devotee is someone who not only buys from you, but
tells other people about you. They send you referrals.
They promote you actively. They are happy to be your
free sales force because they get so much value from

Raving Fan
The next stage in the ladder is Raving Fans. Usually
only 1% to 5% of your customers become Raving Fans.
They're one of your most valuable assets. They pretty
much own everything you have. And, whatever new
products and service you come up with, they will buy
without blinking an eye.

The Raving Fan will stick with you for years as long
as you don't screw up in a major way.

There's a very strong trust and bond with you and the
Raving Fans. They trust you 100%. They want to see you
succeed. They want to see you do well. If a devotee is
someone who sells for you, a Raving Fan is someone who
can't STOP selling for you. Raving Fans tell everyone
about how fantastic you are. They talk about your
company. They love you.

These days it's more expensive than ever to get a new
customer. Most businesses in fact are acquiring their
customers at a loss or break-even point. That means
you have to get your customers to come back to you and
buy again and again.

Why? That customer isn't simply profitable to you.
They are your most important resource. What you want,
what you need is as many raving fans as you can get.

You will succeed when you sort your prospects from
suspects, move people up from prospects to customers,
from customers to raving fans.

You need to have a marketing system that automatically
moves people up the loyalty ladder as quickly as
humanly possible.

Very soon, it'll be like me and Pete. I am one of
Pete's Raving Fans. I send him clients. I sell FOR him
without him asking me to it. I write about him in my
article! I only go to him and nobody else. And I am
thrilled to show up every month, 12 times a year to
give him money. And I'll keep going to him unless he
retires from the business. That could be another 10 to
20 years.

You see how much a Raving Fan like me is worth to
Pete's business?


Dan Lok

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

A former college dropout, Dan Lok transformed himself
from a grocery bagger in a local supermarket to a
multi-millionaire. Today, Dan is one of the most
sought-after business mentors on the Web, as well as
a best-selling author. His reputation includes his title
as the World's #1 Website Conversion Expert.
To find out what Dan is up to now, visit him at:

Monday, September 04, 2006

Why You Aren't Making The Money You Want To On The

Copyright © 2006 Quick Turn Marketing International,

Many clients come to me with problems…

The most common problem I hear from people is they
aren't making the kind of money they want to make with
their Internet business. They don't know what the
problem is and they want me to help.

I'll tell you what the problem is. Most of these
people are what I like to call opportunity seekers.
These are people that have too many sites and don't
spend any time focusing on ONE business. They may have
20 or 30 websites, with each site only breaking even
or making a few hundred dollars every month.

Most opportunity seekers are not making the money they
want or achieving their financial goals. Why?

They are making a common mistake. They have too many
sites, too many interests. This prevents them from
focusing their efforts and creating the six figure
income they dream of.

Focus Is The Key To Long-Term Success

If you want to succeed on the Internet, you are much
better-off staying focused. That means starting off
with one site or idea and perfecting it before moving
on to the next Internet adventure. Far too many people
have a get rich quick mind-set. In fact, I'd say
almost all opportunity seekers have this mind-set.

They jump from one program to another hoping one of
them will lead to success.

Opportunity seekers are always the first to jump on
the next big moneymaking bandwagon. It may be one
thing one month, another the
next month.

They may try to concentrate on affiliate marketing then
switch dramatically to e-book marketing the next.

Whatever seems to be working for others they jump into
with wild abandon, without considering their true
talents, abilities and interests.

These people are looking for some easy way to make
money. They think they can make money with Google
AdSense or just a web page, or even with a multilevel
marketing program. This is NOT how an entrepreneur
thinks! However, this is exactly how an opportunist

They always are looking for shortcuts, and then wonder
why it isn't working.

It isn't working because you have no focus. You must
have focus. You must think like an entrepreneur. Focus
is one of the most vital aspects of your success. My
advice to these newbies is shut down 29 of your sites
and focus on one site, the one that best represents
your interests.

Optimize it. Work on refining it. Refine your sales
process and your back end on this single site and make
it successful BEFORE you move on to the next site.

Yes, I have many sites. But I am Dan Lok. You're not
there yet. Perfect your one site. THEN you can think
about moving on to other moneymaking ventures.

Horizontal Vs. Vertical Business

Many people have what I call a horizontal business. A
horizontal business has many sites in many different
niches, like hobby niches.

People who own horizontal businesses have 20 or more
separate business ventures. I recommend having a
vertical business instead. A vertical business is a
business that has depth and focus.

Having a vertical business means if you have a product
in a particular niche, like stock trading, focus on
selling products related to that and that only. Put
all your eggs in one basket and create a funnel
effect. This way you'll have one group of customers
and you can become a big fish in
a small pond.

You'll have all your eggs in one place yes… but you'll
become an expert egg layer and watch all your eggs
hatch with great success.

Make sense?

What is the problem with a horizontal business? You
aren't specialized.

It's almost impossible to make a six-figure income
with this kind of business because you don't spend
enough time on any ONE business.

When you have a vertical business, you have fine-tuned
your business so well competitors have a hard time
keeping up with you. People can't compete. You also
build a strong client base with satisfied customers.

Think Like An Entrepreneur

So, the biggest problem people have is they are
opportunity seekers.

The key is thinking like a true Internet entrepreneur.
Don't jump on the trend bandwagon. Don't ask what the
shortcuts are. An entrepreneur has a long-term vision.
You have to have a one-year, five year and ten year
vision. Find out what you want your business to look
like in the long-term.

Ask yourself, What do I want to accomplish ultimately?
Then decide whether your activities fit with your
goals. Stop jumping from one program to another. Focus
on one program, one site, and one great idea. This is
what you have to do if you want to make six figures.
It has nothing to do with your knowledge, skill set
experience etc. It has to do more with your focus.

Sit down. Think about it.

Stop jumping from one program to another and stop
getting sucked into false moneymaking schemes. Find
out what your goals are, what you want to accomplish.

This is a far superior approach. Yes, it takes a lot
of energy. But its worth it. In the long-term it's
much less tiring than diversifying your business.

Once you are an expert in your industry or niche, THEN
you can think about diversifying your business.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

A former college dropout, Dan Lok transformed himself
from a grocery bagger in a local supermarket to a
multi-millionaire. Today, Dan is one of the most
sought-after business mentors on the Web, as well as
a best-selling author. His reputation includes his title
as the World's #1 Website Conversion Expert.
To find out what Dan is up to now, visit him at: